Saturday, 19 May 2012

Save Lennox

I must warn you in advance that this post isn't going to be the nicest of posts, but it's something that I need to share with you all so the word can be spread.

Two years ago, Lennox, an American Bulldog Labrador Cross was taken from his loving family by Belfast City Council and shoved into a tiny little cell. They did this on the pretence that he looked a 'pitbull type breed' and so should be put to death, despite the fact that they had visited him at home and seen him interacting perfectly with his family and their other dogs perfectly. The council had had no complaints about Lennox, and he had never acted aggressively in his life.

Since Lennox was taken, he has been kept in horrific conditions in a cramped cell full of nothing but sawdust and his own faeces. He has developed extreme skin conditions and as result has lost a lot of hair. The pictures on the are disturbing but show the extent of council's neglect since Lennox's seizure. Lennox's family have attempted to contact the council constantly, but the dog unit have refused to enter into communication with them. Thus, Lennox has been alone for two years.

Lennox's family are responsible dog owners who have fostered many rescue dogs, and they have ensured that Lennox is fully trained. He is not a danger to anyone and is simply being treated in this sickening way because of his looks.

A campaign has been set up to draw attention to the sad plight of this little dog and try to bring him home to his family. The 'Save Lennox' campaign has so far touched the hearts of thousands of animal lovers and attracted support from animal rights groups, MPs and celebrities worldwide. But the campaign needs more support to bring Lennox home.

This weekend the 'Each One, Reach One' campaign has been launched to gain support for Lennox via facebook and twitter. The aim of  the campaign is to get every supporter of Lennox to spread the word to someone else who doesn't know about Lennox or Breed Specific Legislation. Even if just one more person signs the petition because you joined in, it all helps.

How YOU can help:

1. Go to and sign the online petition to free Lennox.

2. Email your thoughts to various groups in Northern Ireland in a bid to get them to do something about this disgraceful situation. (relevant emails available at

3. Follow @SaveLennox on twitter

4. Tweet about Lennox's plight to your followers using these hashtags: #SaveLennox #LennoxArmy #EndBSL

5. Like Save Lennox on facebook

6. Share the Save Lennox page with your facebook friends.

7. Post messages of support to Lennox on facebook and twitter including pictures of your own furry friends.

8. Blog about it! Or link to this post on your blog.

whatever you do, do something - every single tweet counts so lets all do as much as we can - Lennox only has 5 days until his next hearing.

Show your support - SAVE LENNOX!


  1. how sad :/ btw, I'm having a 100+ Follower Urban Decay Giveaway! May 23rd is the last day to enter, so I hope you enter :)

  2. That's a horrific way to treat an animal! No matter what type they are, they shouldn't be treated like that without reason! His family must be so upset!

    You used to follow my old blog, but it messed up and I lost the whole thing, please could you follow my new one, I am following you again :)

    Thank you,
    Laura xx


Please feel free to throw your thoughts my way!